#!/bin/bash #Run this script to download and install the latest CH build from build.sk89q.com. It names #it and symlinks it properly. version='3.3.1' #Delete old downloads if [ -a commandhelper-$version-SNAPSHOT.jar ]; then rm -f commandhelper-$version-SNAPSHOT.jar fi #Download the latest version #wget http://build.sk89q.com/job/CommandHelper/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/commandhelper-$version-SNAPSHOT.jar echo "Downloading latest build..." wget http://builds.enginehub.org/job/commandhelper/last-successful/download/commandhelper-$version-SNAPSHOT.zip echo "Unzipping..." unzip -p commandhelper-$version-SNAPSHOT.zip CommandHelper.jar > commandhelper-$version-SNAPSHOT.jar rm -f commandhelper-$version-SNAPSHOT.zip echo "Gathering build info..." #Store the build hash from the version number buildhash=$(unzip -c commandhelper-$version-SNAPSHOT.jar plugin.yml | grep 'version: ".*"' | sed -rn 's/version: "'$version'-SNAPSHOT:[[:digit:]]{4}-(.*),.*"/\1/p') #Build the time string timestamp=$(date +"%Y%m%d") #rename the file filename=CommandHelper-$version-$timestamp-$buildhash.jar echo "Naming file properly and moving into position..." mv commandhelper-$version-SNAPSHOT.jar $filename #Now remove the old symlink rm CommandHelper.jar #And create the new one echo "Creating symlink..." ln -s $filename CommandHelper.jar echo "Updating syntax file..." #Update the syntax file for this version java -jar CommandHelper.jar syntax vim > ~/.vim/syntax/commandhelper.vim echo "Done!"